
Storeganizer is an innovative high density storage system for use in warehouses. The Storeganizer stores small items (width or height less than 600 mm and weight less than 15 kg) in columns of suspended, easy-to-access pockets made of flexible and durable textiles. Storeganizer helps optimize space; requires minimal investment as it uses existing shelving; and allows faster retraction with less bending or lifting. This slimline storage solution is ideal for small, slowly moving objects.


Protan is a Norwegian industrial group that is a world leader in membrane technology.
We develop and supply membranes, roof systems, ventilation systems and technical textiles.
Our head offi ce is in Drammen, Norway, and we have more than 650 employees
and a total turnover in excess of NOK 1.2 billion.
Our largest business area is roofi ng and membranes. We also specialise in tailor-made,
fl exible ventilation ducts for mines and tunnels. In addition, we supply multi-purpose technical textiles
for a range of applications. Protan is also one of the largest roofi ng contractors in the Nordic region.
With over 70 years’ experience, Protan has developed innovative solutions that are adapted to a
global market and demanding climates. We work closely with our customers and suppliers to stay at
the forefront of technology, the environment and competence. This gives us unique experience and
insight that means that we can deliver fl exible, tailor-made solutions adapted to local requirements –
whether our customers need environmentally friendly watertight roofi ng, ventilation for demanding
environments or other technical protection. Our most important role as an international group is to
protect values by supplying world-leading solutions.